Parent Teacher and Friends Association (Surfleet Primary School)

Surfleet Primary School PTFA is a voluntary organisation and an association of which ALL parents and guardians of children attending Surfleet Primary School as well as its teaching staff, are effectively members. Members are entitled to attend meetings, vote on proposals and make suggestions for spending or raising funds

The committee organise regular social and fund-raising functions, which are not only of interest to parents and children, but also raise much needed funds to buy extra resources for the school.

The PTFA is currently made up by the following members;

Chair – Katie Wells

Treasurer – Claire Woodhouse

Secretary – Vicki Dodge

School Representative – Mr Rick Chipperfield

Other Members – Claire Lewis, Lucy Fox, Kelly Grainger, Sandra Hull, Jo Johnson,  Charli Hellen, Steph Morley, Kim Stancer.

PTFA Yearly Event Calendar

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